I have no ambition today. My garden is a mess. I don't want to go clean it, plus, it might rain, so no need to weed as there will be plenty more to pull soon enough. I have PURPLE BEANS!!! They're so cute! I've never seen purple beans before, so I wonder if they're any good, or just colorful. The beans I planted were a mixture of purple, green and yellow - I thought it would look nice. I was right. The carrots are growing too. I pulled one out, and there was a tiny little carrot... But, I don't want to go over to the garden today.

My kidlet is doing her 4 hours of community service for a class she is taking. She was all jazzed about it too, which is good. They are cleaning up the town's biggest park - throwing away trash, cleaning the sand boxes. Me? I drove home as fast as I could. No cleaning for me today! (Except for those pesky underpants... Maybe I should just go buy more. That way, I'm not such a slave to the laundry room Bah!)

In a not so smooth segue, I borrowed the kidlet's Tarot cards this morning and tried to see what the future holds for me. Same thing as always. There's a man in my future. Well WHERE THE EFF IS HE???? Come on, it's coming up on TWO YEARS since I've had a good old fashioned Rogering! Of course, when I was married, two years was about the norm, so at least I'm used to gettin' none. But, seriously - I think it would do my attitude a WORLD of good to be gettin' some man thang pretty quickly... Grrrrrr


October 27, 2001

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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