Except for the short panic attack I had over my finances (just gonna do the best I can, and let the future take care of itself...) I had a grand day yesterday!

Slept in. Walked the doggie. Lovely weather. Took the kidlet shopping for back-to-school/Maine visit clothing. We rocked! She looks fabulous! Got her some luggage ('cause we never go anywhere - why do we need luggage?).

Afterwards, she went to a party. A PARTY! My kidlet! (Every time she goes to a social event, it seems like a minor-miracle to me). She thought she'd just stay for a couple of minutes, because she was afraid of interacting with the other girls, so I hung around the shopping center that was close to the party and waited for the cell to ring. No ring! My feet began to hurt, so I hit Starb*cks for a Mocha Valencia, and read the NY Times... No ring!!

I went home, and walked Reggie. It was a beautiful walk. Me and the doggie in our lovely neighborhood. The dark, the park. No crazy ex-fuckheads lurking in my subconscious. My kidlet having a good time at a party across town... I couldn't think of a more perfect evening.

She finally called about 9:30 and said she wanted to come home. She'd had a great time. As I drove up to the party house, I saw about 10 girls running and throwing a football (in the dark) - there was one of those outside fireplace thingy's. Everyone was giggling and hopping about. Such a different scene than some of the parties I attended at kidlet's age. Nobody was smoking dope. No booze. No boys. Just a whole bunch of goofy girls, having a good time on a Saturday night.

Today is a whole different story. I must clean this filthy pig stye. I must do laundry (which could prove to be a challenge, since the sewer line popped open, and there's raw crap flowing onto the driveway below... Ewwwww!) and I must go cut my mother's toenails.

I suppose my weekend is an excellent illustration of the Yin and Yang in the universe, huh?

July 27, 2003

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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