Oh Boy! Am I pumped up!

Got home from taking my mother her groceries and medication (ditched line dancing class because the idea of jumping up and down for an hour on my still a bit queasy belly frightened me) - turned on the telly, to My favorite channel. What did I find? The rebroadcast of a panel from the Congressional Black Caucus that was held today.

People. There are wonderful, intelligent, take charge people out there, who understand the truth! I'm so hopeful!

You can download the broadcast, or you can catch it repeated on CSPAN - but let me just give you a few hightlights...

The most amazing man Professor Jeffrey Sachs from Columbia University was speaking. He is the smartest man. He has a nice head of hair, and hooded eye lids. The more he spoke, the more inspired I became. He got me so inspired, I swear, I wanted to fuck him! (Smart men with hair and hooded eye lids just get me all wooogy...) At any rate, he told the whole story about Bush and the Saudi's. His theory for the reason the Bush administration has gone to war with Iraq, is because of the oil under Iraq's sand. And the surprise the Bush Administration got on September 12, 2001 - when they discovered the 9/11 attacks were from freakin' Saudi Arabia - their "special relationship" country. When Bush et al discovered their special relationship had gone sour, they knew they had to find another source for cheap oil, and quick. Of course. Iraq. Jeffrey Sachs gave me goose bumps.

Ted Kennedy said a few words. He showed the caucus members - and me - the "plan" the Administration has for our armed forces personnel over the next six months. He read it to us. It says: Look for and secure weapons of mass destruction. Every month. That's all it says!

Reverend Al Sharpton was a very engaging speaker. I had never really listened to him before. He rocks. He made great points. He's doing very important work - running for President, even though I've heard it said he knows he won't win - making the speaking engagement rounds and getting the word out.

John Conyers called for the voters of this country to contact their representatives in Washington DC, if they want President Bush to be impeached. He said there are those in Washington who would be happy to take the step, if their constituents want it... Pretty strong words, eh?

Another highlight was Sheila Jackson Lee, who was one of the few representatives who refused to hand war making powers over to Bush and Co. Let me tell you, this woman is mightily pissed off! Frankly, I think she should run for President in 2008. Forget Hillary. I'm backing Jackson-Lee!

It was a beautiful thing to see and hear such strong voices for truth. It was a blessing to listen to people who understand that patriotism means standing up for what this country is supposed to be about. Not the sham that it has become.

I cannot wait until we TAKE BACK THIS COUNTRY! Yeah, baby!

September 26, 2003

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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