Jebus Rice! What's with everybody locking up their freakin' diaries?????


Well. Karma has really struck me now. The Universe is laughing it's ass off...

I got a new project at work. It's the one I always get. Every single job I've ever had gave me the same freakin' project. It's the one I don't do well. It's the one that brings out all my character defects. My lack of organization. My severely lax attention to detail. My easily overwhelmed if I have to ask a question... Yeah. That one.

Apparently, my boss thinks so highly of me, he's decided to let me (in addition to my regular job as his trusted assistant) be the "point person" for Jeneral Motorz. Yep. I get to look after their orders. I get to make sure they ship on time. I get to check their po's and match them up - and enter them, and work closely with manufacturing and shipping and, and, and WAAAAAAAA!!!!!

I believe that if I can pull this all together and do a good and responsible job of it - I will NEVER run into this particular job again in my life.

That's what a jokester the Universe is...


Oh, and YAY!!! The Federal Marriage Amendment was defeated in the Senate! Woot! Triumph of common sense and respect for the Constitution over ignorance, hatred and just plain assholishness. It's a good day to be alive!

July 14, 2004

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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Marriage is love.

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