Well, let's see. The sponsee is still sober, thank God(dess) - she's just insane. Hopefully, she'll get herself to a meeting pretty soon.

I've managed to devote myself pretty much to work today. Kept off the Yahoo Message Boards, except during my breaks.. If you ever run across anybody with the handle "yerall_on_crack" that's me!!

Sometimes I really enjoy arguing my political beliefs with a bunch of other conspiracy theorists. I can so get my frustrations out yelling at some dumbass. However, these days, I am so truly frightened by what the Government is up to, both here and around the globe - I can't help thinking that my worst nightmares are about to come true...

What kind of world are they leaving for our children? How many enemies can we make? How much crime and corruption can the people of this country take from their "leaders", before they act? Jeez, Milkmaid... Take a pill!


Tonight, I get the great pleasure of hitting the mall after work. I have to return a pair of jeans I got the kidlet for Christmas, and re-return the CD's I got for niece and nephew. Aparently, they will hate the new CD's I got, after they hated the first CD's. Next time - it's BRATNEY AND INSTINK!!!!!


It's all about the hormones, you know that, right? This morning, I was driving to work, listening to The Dixie Chicks of all things - and I was tearing up, and thinking "These women really understand me!!!"


December 12, 2001

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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