Ergh... I woke up this morning, feeling toxic. Like I'd ingested poison last night. Either "The Soup Plantation" has added sulfites to everything they serve, or it was the two spider bites I found on my left shoulder this morning... Ergh.


I don't care if I have freakin' anthrax. I'm going to the Hollywood Film Festival tomorrow evening - to see the US premier of the film "Wake" - starring - you guessed it - Gale Harold!!!!! It was a cinch to get tickets. Just like any other film, except I ordered with my credit card over the phone, and they assign seats. I'm going to be writing my review on the Showtime Board. I hope the film is good. If it sucks, what do I write??? I can't say it sucks. I can't help sink the career of the actor whose face I have plastered all over my office! I'll probably write something like "This film isn't for everyone..." Or - "Some of the performances were strong" I can't imagine having to write "Well, there's a reason this film was shot in the producer's home" or "Wait for the video" The pressure! No wonder I'm sick...


Please go over to Good-Lace's diary and give her some lovin'. She just lived through not one, but TWO hurricanes! She could write a book!


My company is so wacked. I'm trying to pay some bills, but since we're in the midst of changing over to some high-priced, inefficient computer system - I can't. I can't pay bills because our customer's account numbers have all been changed to different numbers. I don't know what the numbers are. Nobody else does either, because the new numbers are all inside the new computer system - which isn't up and running yet.....

Fcuk Me!

October 04, 2002

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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