It is so painful to be here at work. I can't even fake like I'm working. I've eaten too much food. There's still tons left on the table. Nobody is calling, because nobody else but us is at work today. I want to go home.


I watched most of the film, "Insommnia" last evening. The one with Robin Williams and Al Pacino (as opposed to the Norwegian or Swedish version this was copied from). There was nothing on TV, and I had 2 hours before "Masterpiece Theater" was coming on with 3 hours of costume drama goodness... Anyway, I decided to fill those two hours with a film from the Video on Demand vault, which comes with the digital cable. I had exactly two hours, and the film was 1 hour and 58 minutes long. Perfect! NOT!

The film was pretty good - a couple of plots going on at the same time, which made it watchable, and Al is still purty to look at. With only 15 minutes to go befor MPT, I realized I absolutely HAD to pee. So, I pressed the "pause" button on the remote. Cool. Picture paused. I pee'd. Came back, and pressed "play"... Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!! Film began to play from the beginning!!! Damn! I tried fast-forwarding through the whole thing, but I ran out of time. I have to take the kidlet to her shrink tonight and we won't be back until nearly 7 pm. I only get to watch "Insommnia" until 7:01 pm. Now I'll never know what happens to Al.

"Masterpiece Theater" was heavenly though. Almost worth the hysteria that had come before.


My former husband and his on-again, off-again marriage - it's off again.

He says there aren't any jobs out there. I'm glad I didn't know what a bullshitter he is while I was married to him! No jobs? I suppose, if you consider that he sent out a total of one resume' (God only knows what it looked like) and that was to a cemetery. He wanted to be a cemetery groundskeeper (hey, he's got goals!) Since he got no call back, he has adopted the position of "no jobs out there". Big liar. He doesn't want to work at a regular gig. He likes the leisure life of the musician, and his little bride hates that her husband is padding around the house in his bathrobe all day. (I am truly grateful he gave me all that child support up front).

It's only 1:39! The pain! The pain!

December 23, 2002

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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