It could be that I'm just overly emotional tonight. Still haven't gotten an approval for the MRI for the kid's brain cloud, and her therapist (the one she loves) isn't on my insurance plan, so when I advised the kid she needed to get someone new, there was much weeping and turmoil. So I'm feeling quite drained. But I don't think it quite explains my conviction that the Johnny Cash album, "CASH" is the greatest goddammed album in the history of music.

There. I've said it.

As a young child, I was forced to listen to a lot of "Okie-Stomp" music on my father's side of the family. They lurved Johnny Cash. Frankly, he scared me. He had a mean mouth and an ugly voice. I'm quite sure I had nightmares about Johnny Cash. But I'm here to tell you, when I put on that song, "Hurt" - and he starts in with that old-man vibrato... Fuck me, I see God.

Yeah. It's probably all the emotional stuff.

November 11, 2003

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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