It was Opening Day at the Little League field today!!!

Barbeque season is right around the corner. Birdies were singing this morning as Reggie and I went for our stroll around the neighborhood.

I purchased two additional tomato plants since the one I bought last week seems to be thriving.

The kid and I got haircuts - spur-of-the-moment, and I'm quite pleased with both of our styles. I'm getting better at describing what I want to a hairdresser. I think that's very important as they can only do so much if I don't make my desires very, very clear.

I plan (while the kid is busy at work tomorrow - WOOOOOOT!) to putter, plant, and bake an apple pie. My boss is returning *blechhhh* from his two week vacation cruise, so I thought I'd begin the ass-kissing in earnest by bringing forth some home baked goodness.

Oh yes. And I'm preparing an El Taco Bar fabuloso for tomorrow night's Oscar festivities. Barring any unpleasant changes in plans, tomorrow is lookin' goooooood!

March 04, 2006

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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