Must go to bed soon. I have to get up at 6:30 in the morning, in order to make it over to Scott's house so Heather can drive us to the AIDS Walk. Whew! Between my on-line and off-line pledges, I manged to scrape together $142. Not bad for a gal who's a really bad closer... The kid got $132, and Scott and Heather each got $500. I decorated a tee-shirt with the name of my mother's former roommate, Bruce (Yes. There are actually gay men named Bruce...). He died from AIDS a few years ago. He was one of many of the people I used to party with back in the '80's. Damn. The destruction of that disease.

I also put a butterfly and a rainbow next to his name. It's a really good looking tee-shirt. I think Bruce would like it.


Just when I've decided to finally buckle down and save money - I flipped over to the Home Shopping Network this morning, and had to have the Linda Dygraf walking thingy for $90. It's kinda like a swing set for your feet. I need to be consistent with my exercise, but, let's face it. It's freakin' dark outside when I get home from work. And my neighborhood is nice, but there aren't any street lights, or houses for that matter, for about a quarter of a mile! It's pretty scary out there for a person walking along by herself. I have aerobics videos that I love to do, but I live right over somebody now, and I don't want him running up here and complaining that the ceiling tiles are falling on his head. I figure, if this walking thingy is good at all, I can walk through most of my tv shows. Get a tight ass whilst watching QAF or Buffy. We'll see. I have 30 days in which to decide.

Well, it's off to bed. So hard on a Saturday night.

October 19, 2002

Buh Bye!
October 05, 2008

Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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