Double Moo-Vie Reviews!

Hustle & Flow
I love me some Terrence Howard, so I was excited to see this film. And, granted, he acted his ass off in it. But the film itself was for the most part...not so good. Amaturish. A little too "Indie" feeling for my tastes.

It's all about a down-on-his-luck pimp, played by Howard, the complicated relationships he has with this stable of Ho's (2 working, one pregnant and out of commission for the time being). At the beginning of the film, he trades a pan-handler cash for a kid's Ca$io keyboard. This sets in motion the rest of the film - his dream of becoming a successful rap artist via finding a way to maneuver a visiting home-town boy made good into playing his demo tape.

There were plenty of moving and/or humerous moments in the film. Along with some pretty stupid ones (like the Ca$io keyboard at the crux of the film, started out pink, and a foot long. In the next scene, it was black, and two feet long... Hello????)

Taraji P. Henson, the actress who portrayed the pregnant ho was amazingly talented and I hope we get to see her in a lot of films in the future.

And of course, Ludacris, who played in a great scene opposite Terrence Howard in "Crash" was unexpectedly (at the time) great as the now-famous rapper who came home to Memphis for a 4th of July visit.

I believe the film could have been much better if Ludacris had played the pimp/wanabe-rapper, and Terrence Howard had played the already successful rapper. But, at the time, I don't think the producers/casting people had any idea how talented Ludacris is as an actor.

Bottom line - it was pretty good. Wait for it to come on HBO.

Rating - 1 - 5 Cowplops - 5 being best - 3 Plops.
Bonus Review - March of the Penguins

Good God this movie was adorable! Seriously. Frickin' Adorable!

Rating - 5 Plops!

February 25, 2006

Buh Bye!
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Be Afraid, People.... Really Afraid
September 01, 2008

One Last Bitchfest for the Road
August 24, 2008

Get the Popcorn Ready
July 17, 2008

I'm a Rich Ho-Bag
June 20, 2008

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